
Puffling Season

This will be a single indoor service at 10 AM.

Masks are now optional, but encouraged.

You can download the Order of Service here.

The service will be streamed live via Zoom, using this link.

If you are unable to attend live, the service will be viewable on our YouTube channel later … read more.

The Varieties of Spiritual Practice

With apologies to William James for playing off the title of his famous work, The Varieties of Religious Experience! Please join Susie Hubley as she looks at the many different ways people access whatever it is they find sacred or representative of a higher truth. … read more.

Memories in Action

Dave has been a member of A2U2 for nearly 30 years and loves the sense of community that exists for him there. He looks forward to sharing some thoughts and examples of “Memories on Action”.

This will be a single indoor service at 10 AM.

Masks are … read more.

How Can I Keep From Singing

Noel has been singing and playing “folk” songs her whole life. Some are reflections on the world around her, some are Christian-based songs of faith, others are recently written observations about people and society. She will share songs that are important to her and explain … read more.

Lessons from Gate 4-A

In her poem “Gate A-4,” Arab-American poet Naomi Shihab Nye shares an account of distress, compassion and community as she is called to interpret Arabic for a fearful traveler at an airport.

In November 2022, the PWR Staff put together a worship service that touches on … read more.

Music to Make You Laugh

So many folk songs are about terrible depressing stories, about bad politics, relationships souring, holes in the bucket. Keith will take a look at songs with a punchline, perhaps some double entendre, and tunes that seem unusual.

Keith is a retired computer … read more.