
Registration for Ferry Beach Tri-Church Retreat


Silly Quilly Seagull has flown back to Ferry Beach after delivering invitations to join in the fun on the first weekend in May. 

Silly Quilly misses you all and can’t wait to see you again! 

Silly Quilly says now is the time to … read more.

Holy Days

Blessings to you, A2U2 community!

What an eventful spring-in-Maine weekend we just had. I hope you all fared OK without power. And a big shoutout to those involved in the get-the-word out about canceling service on Sunday as well as those who checked on the building, … read more.

Between Sundays

Greetings, church –

Same weekly note, new name (Between Sundays)!

Blessings to you each as we pass the spring equinox and enter the true season of spring. Even, in Maine, if it involves a bit of snow! I don’t know about you, but I have been relishing … read more.

Housing Justice

Dear friends,

May this spring weather find you well! I saw the first flowers of spring in my new neighborhood earlier this week and the sunshine has been a delight.

Yesterday, Wednesday, brought perfect weather for an outdoor rally outside the State House for … read more.

Striving for Simplicity

Dear friends,

I hope this finds you well on a rainy spring-like Thursday. Mud season in Maine is upon us!

As some of you know already, I spent a chunk of the last week moving and settling into my new long-term home in Portland. This has invited … read more.

Doing Church

Dear friends –

This past Sunday after worship we held the final membership class, New to A2U2. Church leaders from various areas of congregational life joined us to share about what they do and what it means to them. The room was full, and it was … read more.

The Role of Doubt in Our Lives

Greetings all,

I hope the week is treating you well! I missed you on Sunday as I always do when I’m out of the pulpit. But I also cherish my weekends off, because it’s an opportunity to worship from the pew instead of behind the pulpit. … read more.

Star Words

Dear A2U2,

How wonderful to be together on Sunday burying the seeds of our intentions in the dirt and reflecting on the coming of spring. This week we’ll travel back in time and celebrate Epiphany a month late! I rescheduled the service from our snow day … read more.

Planting Seeds In Our Hearts

Happy February, dear ones, and a blessed St. Brigid’s Day to those of you who celebrate!

We’ll honor Imbolc this Sunday in worship, a few days belated, and reflect on what seeds we are planting in our hearts and communities these still-wintery days as we look … read more.

What Does It Mean To be Called?

Dear friends,

Thank you to the many folks who have reached out about my staying on as Developmental Minister here at A2U2. It was quite a discernment process! I feel deeply called to our work of shared ministry and am very grateful to be among you … read more.