
Happy Pride Month

Happy Pride Month, A2U2!

I hope you’ve been enjoying these early summer days and long evenings as we begin to approach the solstice. June in Maine is a beautiful time.

I’m looking forward with excitement to a joyful Pride celebration in worship on Sunday with uplifting music and readings … read more.

Notice of Annual Meeting


May 26, 2024

Carey Rasco, Clerk

Notice of Annual Meeting



To members of the Allen Avenue Unitarian Universalist Church:

The Annual Meeting of the Allen Avenue Unitarian Universalist Church will … read more.

To Be Remembered

Greetings, all –

I hope you are enjoying this gorgeous early summer weather and have had a chance to get outside this week!

As we approach Memorial Day weekend we begin to turn toward summer and there is much summer energy in the air. Yesterday I put … read more.

General Assembly Information

General Assembly (GA) is the annual meeting of our Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA). Participants worship, witness, learn, connect, and make policy for the Association through democratic process.

GA Business & Voting

Each church gets a number of delegates to vote on association business (the # depends on … read more.

Transition and Transformation

Dear church,

How is it with your spirit these May days?

For me, because my body and heart seem to follow the ebbs and flows of the church year, late spring always pulls me into a reflective space as I prepare for the end … read more.

The Importance of Unplugging

Happy May, members and friends!

I hope this finds you well. After two Sundays out of the pulpit, I haven’t seen many of you in a few weeks and I’m looking forward to greeting you on Sunday morning! I love going away, and I always love … read more.

The Hum of Spring Activities

Dear ones –

I hope this finds you well and enjoying the sunshine this week. It was wonderful to see many of you Sunday at church, and we were sorry that the technology did not cooperate with our ability to Zoom. If you haven’t yet seen … read more.

Wisdom From the Natural World

Greetings, church –

How are you faring in this post-eclipse world?! If you traveled, I hope you are home safe. If you stayed home, I hope you got out to see what even outside of the path of totality was pretty wonderful! We even had a … read more.

Responding to the Gift of Life

Happy snow day, all!

My goodness… what a “spring” we are having. Today I have a meditation to share with you from Robert Walsh, entitled “Easter Week 1982”. Yes, Easter has passed… but I think this piece will resonate with you even still.

The light green shoots … read more.