Minister’s Blog

What PRIDE Means to You

Happy June, A2U2!

With June comes LGBTQIA+ Pride Month and warmer weather. The days are long and we are approaching the summer solstice. Church is in full speed ahead towards Annual Meeting, a New Member Ceremony, Flower Communion, and Bridging for our Senior Youth! … read more.

Let Us Be Gentle

Hello dear church!

May this find you well. It was a joy to connect with many of you on Sunday (Zoom folks thanks for your patience as we dealt with some tech issues!!!) and a special joy to see a whole bunch of you … read more.

Nature Speaks to Us

Dear Church,

I’ll be brief this week in my writing. It has been a season of many words… Annual Reports, Board Reports, staff evaluations, self-evaluations, and more. So instead, I have photos!

The photographs are a few of many gorgeous dark red sand dollars … read more.

Developing Our Faith

Members and friends,

What a delight to spend time with so many of you in the sunshine at beautiful Ferry Beach last weekend! I left with salty skin and a full heart. Spending time deepening our connection with one another is such a gift. … read more.

The Quiet Moments

Happy May, dear ones!

I look forward to seeing many of you on Saturday at Ferry Beach for the annual Tri-Church retreat! I have been to Ferry Beach just once before, on this same retreat years ago as a member of Auburn UU. So … read more.


Hello dear church!

May this note find you well. And maybe with some new-to-you STUFF? A huge thank you to all of you who made the Earth Day Yard Sale a huge success last weekend! What a gift to our church and our neighbors.

… read more.

Remember to Be Gentle

Dear Church,

How is it with your spirit these days? I find myself both jazzed up about spring’s beauty and all that’s going on in the congregation, and also tired and ready for a summer vacation! So I’m taking rest where I can to … read more.

Joy Even Now!

A2U2 Friends,

Alleluia! It was a joy to celebrate Easter with you this past Sunday! Alleluia, indeed.

And this week does feel, though we have been in spring for some time, like a beginning of sorts. It’s warm, more flowers are up, and buds … read more.

Easter Flowers

Blessings to you today, A2U2!

It is a blessed week, indeed. We find ourselves at the intersection of a number of holy days. Muslims are approaching the end of Ramadan; Jews began their celebration of Passover (Pesach) at sundown yesterday. And for Christians, today … read more.

Caregiving In Its Many Forms

Dear Church,

Laura and I are grateful for the well wishes you shared as I’ve been caring for her post-surgery. She is indeed on the mend and life is returning to normal for us. I spent time this past week reflecting on what it … read more.