Minister’s Blog

How Does a Weary World Rejoice?

Greetings, A2U2!

It’s so wonderful to be back in action after medical leave. I have healed well and am, as one of you said, “put back together.” Still a little tender so if I’m shyer than normal about hugs that is why. And it was clear … read more.

A Quieter Week

Blessings to you on this Thursday, dear church –

And happy November! This week has been quieter than last, for which I am grateful. It was so powerful to be together on Sunday. Thank you for showing up with open hearts and arms to receive one another. … read more.

When My Heart Is Broken

Members and friends,

Greetings to you this cool, fall Thursday.

I’m looking forward to being together on Sunday morning.

I continue to watch the news in the Middle East unfold and my heart breaks open wider. The ripples of violence are making their way out across the world … read more.

Cherishing Our Animal Friends

Greetings, all!

I hope you’re having a good week so far and I look forward to seeing you in worship.

This Sunday is our Blessing of the Animals Service and we will have various interactive elements. We welcome children and families especially to join us in the sanctuary … read more.

Let Us Covenant

A2U2 Community,

May this note find you healthy and well.

I’ve been fighting the fall cold this week so if you see me in a mask on Sunday that is my trying to make sure you don’t catch it!

This Sunday is all about … read more.

Mistakes Are Ways of Knowing

Greetings, church!

I hope you’ve enjoyed these last few sunny, cool days as much as I have. What a glorious gift.

I met with your Board of Trustees last night for our first meeting of the year. I shared with them how proud I … read more.

Charting Our Way Into the Future

Members and friends,

It was so wonderful to re-gather last Sunday for Ingathering! I missed you and I missed leading worship and singing together. It’s good to be back.

This Sunday I’ll lead worship again and we’ll reflect on what it means to choose … read more.

Beginning Anew

September blessings to you, A2U2!

We had a glorious taste of fall before the hot weather returned. But I put on my blue jeans and clogs, relishing those two cool and dry days, even if temporary.

This Sunday is our much-anticipated reunion and beginning of … read more.

An Exciting Year Ahead

Dear friends,

I hope your week is going well! It has been a busy one in church-land. Your Board had the annual retreat this past weekend and spent many hours connecting with one another, dreaming, problem-solving, and planning for this coming church year and … read more.


A2U2 friends,

What a joy to be back to church and preparing for another year of shared ministry with you!

I had a wonderful summer vacation and fruitful study leave. It has been wonderful to begin seeing a number of you these past few … read more.