Author Archives: George Hixon


A2U2 Community,

October is on its way! What a gift to join with you in worship once again this past Sunday and dive right into an exploration of what it means to be a covenantal faith. I had some fantastic conversations with people after worship. Thank … read more.

Picking Up Life’s Pieces

Greetings, all.

I hope this note finds you well and enjoying the turn towards fall! Live at A2U2 is back in full swing. We are worshiping together in person and online. Our Religious Education program is underway and OWL begins soon. Groups are meeting on zoom, … read more.

Sharing Our Ministry

I am still smiling from a joyous weekend of 200th anniversary celebration and Ingathering. Thank you to all who made that joy possible! In the many stacks of books, papers, and notes scribbled on the back of things covering the desk in my home office, … read more.

A Celebratory Weekend

I am so excited to see you and meet those of you I haven’t yet met this weekend at church. On Saturday we will gather and party! In celebration of the 200 year presence of Allen Ave Church in Portland. There will be opportunities for … read more.

Thoughts on Liminality

Labor Day weekend is upon us. Can you believe it? 

Summer is wrapping up and fall is on its way. Which leaves us in that strange space of seasonal liminality. I’ve always thought of late August and early September as its own season – Late Summer. … read more.

A Turning Point

Hello Allen Avenue members and friends!

One of the ministry practices I carry with me from my last congregation is writing a short weekly note to the congregation. Sometimes I might have information to share, other times a reflection, and others something I’ve read … read more.

Hello A2U2 community!

Hello A2U2 community! Our time together has begun and I am settling in and getting to know who’s who and what’s what. You can call me Rev. Tara (pronounced TAH-rah) and use she/her or they/them pronouns. The other morning as I settled in the office, I looked out … read more.

Thoughts on Love

Dear Hearts of A2U2,

I thought of you on Valentine’s Day; I thought of everyone I care about. And, as I do every year, I wondered how everyone who wishes they felt more love in their lives felt. There isn’t anyone reading this who hasn’t felt … read more.

Living With Intention

Ah, January – the month that finds itself in a peculiar position. Chosen to be the first month of a new year, often front-loaded with the weight of new goals, yet coming right after what can be the busiest and most tiring month for many. … read more.