Author Archives: George Hixon

Exploring Roots and Planting Seeds

Dear members and friends,

Happy February and Imbolc blessings to you! This day, a traditional Gaelic festival, is celebrated by Pagans as the coming of spring and by Catholics as the Feast Day of St. Brigid. Some elements of our service this Sunday will … read more.

Love as Action

Greetings friends,

I hope this finds you warm and dry and shoveled out!

Amidst the shoveling and other work, I’ve spent a solid chunk of this week worship planning for February. Beginning February 5th, we’ll be embarking on a three-week exploration of Love and … read more.

Being Open to Learning

Dear friends,


I hope this finds you well! There is much going on in our community and things have been busy. I hope those of you who are able to make it to church on Sunday (either in person or on Zoom) enjoy your … read more.

Thirty Days of Love

Dear members and friends,

We are making our way through January, the days are growing longer little by little, and we’re entering the post-holiday season at church. I love the holidays, and I love when they end =) . In the Christian tradition, this … read more.

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year members and friends!

I had a truly wonderful holiday season at Allen Avenue. Solstice was beautiful, Christmas Eve lively and sparkly, and Christmas Day Zoom full of laughter and connection. I hope you weathered travels and family or alone time well … read more.

Daily Mindfulness Practice

Starting on Wednesday February 1st at 8am, Jane Prairie is offering a 30 day, daily online drop-in mindfulness practice to support a deepening commitment to daily practice. The sessions will begin with “gratitudes and intentions” for the day and then practice for about 20 minutes. … read more.

Winter Blessings to You!

A2U2 Members and friends,

Winter blessings to you! We have turned the corner and the days are lengthening. Winter has arrived. Our A2U2 Pagan group led a beautiful Winter Solstice service last night at church. Candles, song, silence, fire. To all those involved- … read more.

Exploring Stories and Facts

Dear members and friends, 

I was thrilled to be back in worship with you on Sunday after a few weekends away. We lifted up the beauty and sacredness of the dark, and grappled with how we navigate the dark/light imagery of ancient and modern stories this … read more.

Remembering the Homeless Lost

The longest night of the year is a time to remember our homeless friends who have died and to recommit ourselves to the task of ending homelessness. A candlelight procession will start at the Maine Medical Center-Preble Street Learning Collaborative at 20 Portland Street at 4:30 … read more.

Remembrance of Those Lost Through Gun Violence

This event will begin with a time for solemn remembrance of those who lost their lives and for recognition of their families that will include a Newtown Action Alliance video, speakers who have been directly impacted, and special music. The second half of the program … read more.