Author Archives: George Hixon

Easter Flowers

Blessings to you today, A2U2!

It is a blessed week, indeed. We find ourselves at the intersection of a number of holy days. Muslims are approaching the end of Ramadan; Jews began their celebration of Passover (Pesach) at sundown yesterday. And for Christians, today … read more.

Caregiving In Its Many Forms

Dear Church,

Laura and I are grateful for the well wishes you shared as I’ve been caring for her post-surgery. She is indeed on the mend and life is returning to normal for us. I spent time this past week reflecting on what it … read more.

Spring Is Here!

A2U2 friends,

You’ve already received a LOT of words from me this week (mostly about the UU Article 2 and Principles changes) so I’ll be brief.  Mostly I just want to celebrate with you… Spring is here! Hallelujah!

Our Pagan group is hosting a … read more.

Reflecting On Change

Dear A2U2,

Well… our STORMS service on Sunday sure seems to have ushered in what is, hopefully, the last Nor’easter of the season! May this note find you with power and driveway mounds melting.

This Sunday we’ll be reflecting together on what it means … read more.

Another Year Together

Dear church –

I hope this finds you healthy and well. As you have heard by now, your Board has invited me to renew my contract with you for another year and, after discernment, I accepted. I am so looking forward to another year together … read more.

Applying Patience

Dear church,

Happy March! We’re making our way towards spring, though as I’m writing this snow is coming down. I know the days are getting lighter, but I could do without the snow. I’m seriously ready for spring. Truth be told, I’m working on … read more.

Sacred Cycles

Dear A2U2 –

Blessings to you this Thursday! My note to you this week takes the form of a video. In it I offer some reflections on the liturgical season of Lent, why I find the liturgical seasons so meaningful (and talk about them so often!) … read more.

Love As a Transformative Power

This week in worship, we wrap up a month-long exploration of the transformative power of Love. We began with Building the BeLOVEd Community on MLK Sunday and followed with Let Love Grow and Midwives of Love. We’ve reflected together on the role of accountability … read more.

Exciting Times Ahead

Dear A2U2,

The speed of church life is picking up and we have so much already happening and more to look forward to this spring! I want to highlight a few things coming up at A2U2, a few things going on within our larger … read more.