Author Archives: George Hixon

The Process of Becoming

Dear friends,

I am in full-speed ahead mode as we approach the end of the official church program year on June 18th! I hope those of you with particularly full plates are finding moments for rest, rejuvenation, and joy. This past weekend I traveled … read more.

March with A2U2 at Portland Pride !!

On Saturday, June 17th, we’ll gather beginning at noon on the steps of First Parish UU with MUUSAN and other local UU churches and the parade kicks off from Monument Square at 1pm! We’ll proceed down Congress St to Congress Square Park, down High Street to … read more.

What PRIDE Means to You

Happy June, A2U2!

With June comes LGBTQIA+ Pride Month and warmer weather. The days are long and we are approaching the summer solstice. Church is in full speed ahead towards Annual Meeting, a New Member Ceremony, Flower Communion, and Bridging for our Senior Youth! … read more.

Let Us Be Gentle

Hello dear church!

May this find you well. It was a joy to connect with many of you on Sunday (Zoom folks thanks for your patience as we dealt with some tech issues!!!) and a special joy to see a whole bunch of you … read more.

Nature Speaks to Us

Dear Church,

I’ll be brief this week in my writing. It has been a season of many words… Annual Reports, Board Reports, staff evaluations, self-evaluations, and more. So instead, I have photos!

The photographs are a few of many gorgeous dark red sand dollars … read more.

Developing Our Faith

Members and friends,

What a delight to spend time with so many of you in the sunshine at beautiful Ferry Beach last weekend! I left with salty skin and a full heart. Spending time deepening our connection with one another is such a gift. … read more.

The Quiet Moments

Happy May, dear ones!

I look forward to seeing many of you on Saturday at Ferry Beach for the annual Tri-Church retreat! I have been to Ferry Beach just once before, on this same retreat years ago as a member of Auburn UU. So … read more.


Hello dear church!

May this note find you well. And maybe with some new-to-you STUFF? A huge thank you to all of you who made the Earth Day Yard Sale a huge success last weekend! What a gift to our church and our neighbors.

… read more.

Remember to Be Gentle

Dear Church,

How is it with your spirit these days? I find myself both jazzed up about spring’s beauty and all that’s going on in the congregation, and also tired and ready for a summer vacation! So I’m taking rest where I can to … read more.

Joy Even Now!

A2U2 Friends,

Alleluia! It was a joy to celebrate Easter with you this past Sunday! Alleluia, indeed.

And this week does feel, though we have been in spring for some time, like a beginning of sorts. It’s warm, more flowers are up, and buds … read more.