Author Archives: George Hixon

Putting Values Into Action

Members and friends,

I hope this finds you well and you may have even had the opportunity to play in the snow this week! I took a snowy drive into town on Wednesday to drop off a carload of blankets and pillows (photo above) for the … read more.

To Reclaim and Recommit

Greetings, church–

What a series of storms we’ve had since we were last together… I hope you enjoyed the beautiful snow and kept power through the rain and ripping winds. I am reminded this week of what it means to live in a climate change world … read more.

Happy New Year!

I hope you enjoyed your holidays and found a balance of rest and connection. I missed you on Christmas Eve but am glad to report that my COVID symptoms were easy to manage and I’m doing just fine. We are back in full church swing … read more.

We Allow Ourselves to Be Amazed

Dear Church,

May this find you healthy and well!

It was so fun to hear last Sunday in worship the December rituals that are important to you. Much overlap, and many unique rituals, too. I hope they continue to ground and center you these busy days and … read more.

Rituals and Traditions

Greetings, all!

What an incredible weekend of church we had. A wildly successful (and fun!) Artisan Market on Saturday, worship on Sunday (I’m thrilled to be back in the pulpit!), and on Sunday afternoon… I am pleased to report that DRE Emily and I … read more.

An Update on Our Covenant Process!

What happened to the covenant process we started this fall, you might be wondering? We are chugging along, steadily and faithfully! This last month of work has been more behind-the-scenes. And we’ll get back to some more conversations in January after the holiday chaos subsides.

What we’ve … read more.

How Does a Weary World Rejoice?

Greetings, A2U2!

It’s so wonderful to be back in action after medical leave. I have healed well and am, as one of you said, “put back together.” Still a little tender so if I’m shyer than normal about hugs that is why. And it was clear … read more.

Ministerial Search Team Seeks Congregational Input

Dear Members, Friends and Employees of A2U2,

The board of trustees has selected a search committee for our new minister search.  They are: Troy Moon, Pam Jackson, Tina Veilleux and Emily O’Neill. We are very grateful to these individuals for their time and leadership in this … read more.