Healing Arts Gathering

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Date(s) - 04/18/2020
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

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Jane Prairie and Emily Amellin are offering an online “Healing Arts Gathering” on Saturday April 18th from 2 to 4pm.

Jane and Emily completed the 3rd degree Reiki training in the Usui System of Natural Healing where they have learned techniques to hold healing space from a physical distance. At the beginning of this gathering they will share information about Reiki and distance healing and there will be an opportunity for questions and for stating intentions. Then there will be a guided meditation prior to a time of silent healing together. We will also hold a unifying intention that we will share with the group. After the quiet there will be an opportunity for sharing.

This will be an online Zoom gathering and is open to anyone. Literally anyone on the planet! So pass this along to friends and family that might be interested. This is a free event, but pre-registration is required. Attendance will be limited to 50 households.  Attendees will be invited to make a donation to Allen Avenue Unitarian Universalist Church in Portland Maine (a2u2.org.) This will help cover the rental income shortfall while the physical church is closed.

Please reach out to Jane at laughingreiki@gmail.com with any questions and to pre-register for this event.

For individuals with experience holding healing space from a distance  there will be a practice session on Zoom with Jane and Emily Saturday April 11th at 9am. This will be an informal meeting and there is no requirement to commit to the following weekend if you’d like to participate on Saturday. Again, contact Jane at laughingreiki@gmail.com and she will send you the zoom meeting details.


Jane & Emily